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Booking & Cancellations Policy


Southern Schoolmasters only accepts booking from clients under the following agreement.


Clients consent to the following terms upon agreeing, requesting, arranging a booking verbally. Southern Schoolmasters requires a minimum of 72 hours notice of cancellation on all Training sessions & Trail rides, during the week, Weekend policy is 1 weeks notice. Failure to provide notice will result in the following cancellation charges:


If notice has been given within 72 hours, a £5.00 fee will be charged (weekdays)

If less than 72 hours or less than 1 weeks notice for Weekends, or no notice is given (including illness) the full fee will be charged.


Clinics & Competitions a non-refundable deposit is required, full payment for the clinic is required 2 weeks before the clinic date. All deposits and Prepaid fees are non-refundable. The cancellation fee may be waived subject to management discretion. Cancellations must be made by telephone or in person.


Please note : Cancellations are NOT accepted via email.   

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